Mariamman, also known as Marikamba, is the South Indian Hindu Goddess of rain. She is the South Indian Mother Goddess, predominant in the rural areas of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Mariamman is also closely related to the Hindu Goddesses Parvati and Durga as well as with her North Indian counterpart Shitala Devi.
Her festivals are held during the late summer/early autumn season of "Aadi" throughout the Tamil Nadu and Deccan region, the largest being Aadi Thiruvizha. Her worship mainly focuses on bringing rains and curing diseases like cholera, smallpox, and chicken pox. Maariamman is worshipped in accordance with the local Agamas as Pidari or the Gramadevata. She is considered as the protector (Kaval Deviam) by many people residing in South India.
Goddess Mariamman
Height : 31 cm
Breadth : 18 cm
Width : 7 cm
1400 grams
Teak wood colour
Glossy polish finish